Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings
<p style="text-align: justify;">International Conference of Zakat (ICONZ) is an International Conference aims at bringing scholars and practitioners together to discuss zakat in modern era. We welcome the sharing of knowledge resulting related to zakat and Islamic social finance from research from various fields including from inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives. We aim to create an ideal zakat environment for the discussion, exploration and reflection of key issues that are shaping the world through our series of conferences and publications.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">ICONZ held annually, our Annual Conference provides an important opportunity for practitioners and researchers in zakat to not only network and learn but also to debate and vote on new policy. This is our signature and zakat exclusive forum yearly event - bringing together zakat practitioners, local government, external stakeholders and media. Additionally, the ICONZ consists of two days of full plenary, split plenary and parallel sessions where participants will immerse themselves in the zakat challenges discussion.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Website: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>Badan Amil Zakat Nasionalen-USIndonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings2655-6251The Influence of Transparency and Social Media on Zakat Payment Intentions in LAZISMU Central
<p><em>One of the reasons for the suboptimal collection of zakat in Indonesia is the existence of a gap between the enormous potential for zakat and the actual collection efforts by zakat institutions. Researchers assume that zakat institutions (LAZ) need to take progressive steps by improving a more credible, professional, and transformative digitalization system. One way to achieve this is by optimizing transparency and social media within the digital system. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of transparency and social media on the intention to pay zakat at LAZISMU Pusat. This research is quantitative in nature and employs purposive sampling as the methodology. The research sample consists of 200 respondents. Data collection was done using questionnaires distributed through Google Forms. Data analysis was performed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and processed using SmartPLS software. The results of this research indicate that transparency and social media have a positive and significant influence on the intention to pay zakat income at LAZISMU Pusat. Therefore, this study provides managerial implications for zakat institutions that transparency and social media are crucial in encouraging Muslim communities to pay zakat, whether they are in Jabodetabek or outside the Jabodetabek region.</em></p> <p> </p>Muhammad Nur Al Fatih IlhamAli IdrusNurhadi .Rini Fatma Kartika
2024-05-072024-05-0711410.37706/iconz.2023.604The Influence of the Distribution of ZIS Funds and Government Expenditures on Income Inequality and the Human Development Index in Indonesia from 2018 - 2022
<p>The rise in Indonesia's GDP suggests economic growth, but the unequal distribution of income within communities indicates persisting inequality. This imbalance implies that the development in the region is not equally distributed. Measuring community welfare comprehensively requires socio-economic indicators to capture the whole picture. Thus, investigating community welfare by linking socio-economic indicators is imperative. This study analyzes the direct and indirect impact that ZIS fund distribution and government spending have on income inequality and the Human Development Index (HDI) in Indonesia. Through path analysis, the relationship between ZIS variables, government spending, income inequality, and HDI is examined. The findings reveal that ZIS directly and indirectly affects HDI by increasing income inequality as a mediating factor. Government spending has a negative indirect impact on the Human Development Index due to a positive direct impact on income inequality, as revealed by Path Analysis.</p>Lia Annisa RohmawatiErika AmeliaDiamantin Rohadatul Aisy
2024-05-022024-05-02152810.37706/iconz.2023.651Measuring Performance of BAZNAS South Tanggerang Using Balanced Scorecard Method
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The performance improvement of zakat institutions might be escalate and reach potency of zakat in Indonesia. This research aims to measure performance of zakat institutions in Baznas South Tangerang using a Balanced Scorecard. The research method use qualitative method through indepth interviews and questionnaires to informant. Secondary data also gather for employee data, muzakki and financial statements. The balance scorecard analyze the performance of zakat institutions using balanced scorecards in the perspectives of financial, customer, internal, and growth. The result of study show that; First, the financial perspective shows good results because there was an increase in the collection and distribution of zakat funds in from 2018 to 2020. Secondly, the overall customer perspective shows good results because the increasing number and satisfaction of muzakki. Third, the internal perspective shows good results because the programs have realized and the fundraising management has raised zakat fund. Fourth, the growth and learning perspective shows good results since digitalization transformation and employee training have realized. However, the training program still incidental rather than scheduled.</span></em></p>Andi NuralamSyafaat Muhari
2024-05-072024-05-07293810.37706/iconz.2023.684Zakat and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
<p><em>This study aims to create a research map of Zakat and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) published in recognized Islamic economics and finance journals. Eighty-one research articles from Scopus ( were used as the data source. The export data is then processed and analyzed with the R Biblioshiny application software to create a bibliometric map of evolution in the Zakat and SDGs of Islamic economics and finance research. The findings revealed that there is still little study on Zakat and SDGs, and further research is required. </em><em>By country, Malaysia is the country that has the highest author correspondence. So based on these findings, the publication of research journals using the theme of Zakat and SDGs should be increased, especially concerning results and innovations in each country. During the research period, the authors who often investigate Zakat and SDGs, particularly Bhuiyan AB and Siwar C, regularly researched this issue. At the same time, the keywords Poverty, Zakat, and Islamic social finance are frequently used in studies on Zakat and SDGs.</em></p>Muhammad Raihan GunawanAam Slamet Rusydiana
2024-05-072024-05-07394910.37706/iconz.2023.643Is Zakat Fund Management Better Post-Merger Islamic Bank?
<p><em>Indonesia's zakat fund management system consists of the Amil Zakat Agency and the Amil Zakat Institution. In addition, BAZ and LAZ are assisted by the Zakat Collection Unit, one of which is Sharia banking. One of the dynamics of the development of Sharia banks is the merger policy of state-owned Sharia banks, namely Bank Mandiri Syariah, BNI Syariah, and BRI Syariah to become Bank Syariah Indonesia, which is expected to have a positive impact on their social functions. This research analyzes the management of zakat funds in Sharia banks pre-post merger. The method used in this research is a quantitative method with a descriptive statistical approach and the paired sample t-test parametric test. The data collection method used is secondary data in the form of Sharia banking financial reports pre-post merger and previous literature relevant to the research topic. This research indicates significant differences in zakat management in Sharia banking pre-post merger. Zakat management in Sharia banking is better and has increased post-merger. The implications of this research illustrate the need for solid institutional synergy between zakat institutions and Sharia banking by maximizing resources and strengthening the zakat philanthropy ecosystem through the dynamics of policies related to enhancing the Sharia economy.</em></p>Ainul Fatha IsmanMuh Ahsan KamilMuhammad Hasbi Zaenal
2024-05-022024-05-02506210.37706/iconz.2023.557Enterprise Operational Risk Management Of Zakat Organization In Surakarta
<p><em>Zakat is a potential fund that is used to advance the general welfare of the whole community. In Indonesia, there are two zakat management institutions that are recognized by the government, namely National Amil Zakat Agency / Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) and National Amil Zakat Institution / Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional (LAZNAS), both of which receive legal regulation from the government. Based on the inaugural meeting of the International Working Group on Zakat Core Principles (IWGZCP) on August 29, 2014, it was agreed that risk identification in the management of zakat is very important because it will affect the quality of zakat management going forward. The purpose of this research is to determine the management of operational risk in Zakat Management Organizations in Surakarta. This research uses a qualitative method with a field research approach. The subjects of this research are in the four Zakat Management Organizations in Surakarta, namely BAZNAS Solo, Amil Zakat Institutions / Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) Yatim Mandiri Solo, LAZ DT Peduli Solo, LAZ Nurul Hayat Solo. In collecting data, author used observation, interview, and documentation techniques</em><em> on November 2019. The results of the research found that the zakat management organization in Surakarta has done good operational risk management. Based on the scale of probability, the operational risk that has the greatest possibility of occurring in zakat management organization in Surakarta is operational risk in internal process failure. The operational risk that has the biggest impact and most vulnerable is operational risk of failure in IT system.</em></p>Selma FerenaEly Windarti HastutiNadia RizqiSalysya Dzakiyah Al-Abidah
2024-05-022024-05-02637510.37706/iconz.2023.654The Charity Toxic Phenomenon: The Problems of Mustahik’s Dependency on Zakat Fund in West Java
<h2 style="margin: 0cm 0cm .5pt -.25pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="color: windowtext;">Zakat is one of the instruments to alleviate the problem of poverty. Misuse of zakat funds occurs among mustahik due to a lack of understanding about zakat, and there is an element of deliberate mustahik in using zakat funds for pleasure and personal interests. This research aims to explain the distribution mechanism, problems in distribution, factors that influence dependency, and provide analysis and solutions to policy holders in overcoming the problem of dependency on zakat funds. This research used a mixed method combining quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research show a correlation between cognitive processes, enviromental factors, and cultural background and mustahik dependence behavior. On the other hand, this research also explains the characteristics of the community, or mustahik, when receiving zakat funds. According to the research that has been carried out, it is possible to conclude that this research identifies misuse of zakat funds received by mustahik in West Java, which is caused by several factors, including lack of motivation to work, limited knowledge regarding the main purpose of distributing zakat funds, a supportive environment for dependent on zakat funds, as well as the spiritual limitations they have.</span></h2> <p> </p>Ozka Muhammad FajrinDina FitriantiFadilah Dewi FitriantiHudzwah Dwike PutriErlinda Maharani RachmanRida Rosida
2024-05-032024-05-03768310.37706/iconz.2023.608The Strategy Development of Ecopreneurship Through Utilization of Productive Zakat
<p>The development of ecopreneurship requires the role of productive zakat. Access to ecopreneur-based business development is limited to capital, this condition is overcome by optimizing the use of productive zakat. However, an appropriate strategy for the productive use of zakat is needed to optimize its role in encouraging ecopreneurship. The purpose of this research is to provide an appropriate ecopreneur development strategy by utilizing the productive use of zakat. A conceptual approach in the form of a literature study is used as a research approach. Data sources from secondary materials are the main reference for this research. The results of the analysis show that the problematic problems of capital and business access for ecopreneurship can be overcome with a productive zakat scheme through appropriate zakat amil institutions. An appropriate development strategy needs to pay attention to several aspects such as empowerment, social and environmental goals, business ethics, business sustainability and the impacts they have. Of course, these efforts need to be supported by an appropriate zakat productive utilization scheme model, because the characteristics of ecopreneurship-based businesses are different from other types of businesses. Without realizing it, this optimization can support the achievement of sustainable development. because the characteristics of ecopreneurship-based businesses are different from other types of businesses. Without realizing it, this optimization can support the achievement of sustainable development. because the characteristics of ecopreneurship-based businesses are different from other types of businesses. Without realizing it, this optimization can support the achievement of sustainable development.</p> <p> </p>Syamsuri .Ahmad Havid JakiyudinVina Fithriana Wibisono
2024-05-062024-05-06849510.37706/iconz.2023.537Optimizing The Use of Zakat in The Indonesian Entrepreneurial Sector as A Means of Improving Umat’s Economy
<p>Zakat is the strongest and clearest formulation to realize the idea of social justice, so that the obligation to pay zakat covers the entire community, and the goods that must be spent are essentially community goods and gifts for the poor. The of zakat to the poor aims to completely eliminate the sources of poverty and the possibility of eliminating the causes of poverty, so that in the future they no longer need zakat assistance and even become zakat payers. Especially in the utilization of zakat in the entrepreneurial sector in Indonesia, a means of optimizing the improvement of the people's economy. So that it can be a national economic stimulus. The research uses a qualitative normative approach and is supported by primary and secondary data.</p>Abdusyahid Naufal FathullahAnantya Aliyya Arkanbariq
2024-05-062024-05-069610510.37706/iconz.2023.632The Problems Of Zakat Management In Indonesia
<p><em>The potential for zakat receipts in Indonesia in 2020 is very large, amounting to Rp. 327.6 trillion. However, the results of zakat collection in 2021 only reached 14 trillion likes. This is due to the management of zakat that is not optimal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems that occur in the management of zakat and provide solutions in an effort to increase zakat acceptance in Indonesia. The method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques use purposive sampling by selecting informants from the Baznas Central Board, Regional Baznas Management, academics, community leaders, religious leaders and muzakki. The results showed that so far the zakat management implemented was less effective and the human resources of zakat managers were inadequate. The findings of this study provide solutions to conduct management recruitment, improve competence through training, establish good communication between managers and muzakki and improve the welfare of zakat managers.</em></p>Solikhul HadiKharis Fadlullah Hana
2024-05-062024-05-0610611910.37706/iconz.2023.621Representation of Lazisnu as a Philanthropic Institution in The Village Community Economic Empowerment Program Maqashid Syariah Perspective
<p><em>The impact of the post-pandemic economic turmoil is still being felt in the form of economic problems in the community, one of which is the impact of high poverty rates, therefore LazisNu Jatim as a philanthropic institution that is community-oriented in distributing its funds certainly has an economic empowerment program that is able to bridge community problems. This research aims to determine the representation of lazisnu in its economic empowerment program. This research uses a qualitative type and approach by making it descriptive in type. To obtain maximum data, the next process is in the form of data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. From the data collection technique process, the researcher carries out data analysis until the validity of the data is fulfilled. The results of this research show that Lazisnu's representation as a philanthropic institution is able to empower the community with various economic programs in the form of goat farming, Indonesian villages, export and local product training, Islamic boarding school entrepreneurship and capital and providing business equipment for people with disabilities.</em></p>Abdul Majid ToyyibiMochamad Su'eb
2024-05-072024-05-0712012710.37706/iconz.2023.623The Correlation Between ZIS Fund and Poverty Alleviation in Banten (Study From BAZNAS At Municipal Level)
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Behind the great economic development of Banten Province, there are imbalances in development between regions and inequality in economic activities. This study aims to analyze the correlation between Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah (ZIS) fund and poverty rates in Banten from 2019 to 2021. ZIS Fund gather from Baznas collection and distribution at municipal level. The correlation analyze using Spearman Rank Correlation using panel data which gather from central bureau statistic at each municipal levels. The result of the study show that there are correlation between zakat fund dan poverty alleviation but they are not significant. Zakat fund and poverty alleviation have a negative relationship suggest that the raise of Zakat fund could reduce poverty. Meanwhile, the number of zakat is still low compare to economic size of Banten Province. The Pandemic of covid-19 might be contributed to reduce zakat collection in Banten. However, further research could consider other zakat institution to give a comprehensive analysis of the correlation between ZIS fund and poverty alleviation. </span></em></p>Hani Nurlaili FarihaSyafaat Muhari
2024-05-072024-05-0712813410.37706/iconz.2023.695The Role of Baitulmal as Department of Finance Through Fiscal Policy: Zakat as an Instrument
<p><em>This article delves into the utilization of Zakat, a fundamental aspect of Islamic fiscal policy, as an alternative fiscal instrument to address economic stability, growth, development, and equitable wealth distribution. Zakat, an inherent component of Islamic fiscal policy, plays a vital role in fostering socio-economic well-being and balance. The article examines the involvement of Baitulmal, a state institution, in macroeconomics matters through fiscal policies, emphasizing the dynamic function of Zakat within the national economy. Additionally, it explores the nomenclature and functioning of Zakat as fiscal tool, emphasizing its influence on the economy and its potentional alignment with fundamental economic objectives. The objective is to shed light on Zakat’s importance within the fiscal landscape and its potential to contribute to a more inclusive and balance economic development.</em></p>Nurul HilmiyahMuhammad Umar IzzuddinPopy Francisca Waraswasti
2024-05-062024-05-0613515210.37706/iconz.2023.663The Mediating Effect of Religiusity on Customer Loyalty After Skimming Cases
<p>The density of queues in making cash withdrawals at banks makes the use of ATMs increasingly necessary. However, there are some individuals who use the use of ATMs as an act of fraud through skimming. This study aims to examine the effect of customer religiosity on loyalty after a skimming case. The method used was quantitative, researchers used as many as 96 respondents who were selected based on their experience experiencing skimming events. Researchers used the partial least square (PLS-SEM) structural equation model. The findings showed that moderation of the religiosity variable did not increase the influence on the variables of risk of loss, security risk and risk of trust on customer loyalty. Researchers reasoned that the religiosity of human relations with God, but related to the loyalty of ATM use, requires evidence of protection efforts from the Bank against customer data security.</p>Kharis Fadlullah HanaZika Dwi Feronika
2024-05-062024-05-0615317310.37706/iconz.2023.620Cash Waqf and Crowdfunding: A Study Of Online-Based Cash Waqf in Pasif Amal Of Indonesian Waqf Education Foundation
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research focuses on exploring the effectiveness of the crowdfunding strategy for online-based cash waqf by referring to the cash waqf turnover practice on the Indonesian Waqf Education Foundation's Pasif Amal website. The idea of cash waqf leads to actions that break through the previous limited values that were less inspired even though this waqf has been legislated. There are two problems raised in this research. First, how the practice of the dimensions of cash waqf crowdfunding strategies in the Pasif Amal institution, Indonesian Waqf Education Foundation. Second, how the effectiveness of the cash waqf crowdfunding strategy in Pasif Amal Indonesian waqf education foundations and the implications for the legalization of cash waqf.</span></em></p> <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">To answer these problems, this research uses a qualitative method with the approach of Soerjono Soekanto's legal effectiveness. This research concludes that in the passive crowdfunding strategy, the Indonesian Waqf Education Foundation (YEWI) has changed the view that has so far been understood that the meaning of waqf is not limited to land alone but has represented goods in the form of money in cash. In this study, it confirms that Pasif Amal institutions are then linked to the level of effectiveness in which they have been effective and can even become a new concept in the world of waqf where there is already legality, even the institutions themselves in countries where the practice is less than optimal.</span></em></p> <p> </p>Moch Dzul FahmiM. Abdul MajidFazlullah Ihza Qaseem
2024-05-062024-05-0617418610.37706/iconz.2023.649Navigating the New Normal: Digital Transformation and Islamic Social Finance Strategies
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The advent of the "New Normal" has compelled organizations, including Islamic financial institutions, to adapt swiftly to the changing landscape. This paper explores the intricate relationship between Digital Transformation (DT) and Islamic Social Finance (ISF) strategies, unveiling their pivotal role in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the post-pandemic era. With the fusion of advanced digital technologies and the principles of Islamic finance, this study delves into the strategies employed by Islamic financial institutions to harness DT effectively in the context of ISF. The study begins by examining the foundations of DT and its transformative impact on financial services. It then investigates the unique features of ISF and how these principles align with digitalization efforts. By analyzing case studies and industry trends, the paper highlights best practices in DT implementation within ISF institutions, focusing on enhancing financial inclusion, promoting ethical investments, and ensuring Sharia compliance. Furthermore, the study underscores the need for collaborative partnerships between ISF institutions and FinTech firms, emphasizing innovation as a critical driver of sustainable growth in the New Normal. It also discusses the challenges and regulatory considerations that organizations encounter as they embark on this transformative journey. In conclusion, this research offers insights into the synergistic relationship between Digital Transformation and Islamic Social Finance in the context of the New Normal. It provides a roadmap for ISF institutions to adapt, thrive, and contribute positively to socio-economic development while upholding Islamic finance principles in an increasingly digitalized world.</span></em></p>Eka Puji Lestari
2024-05-032024-05-0318719610.37706/iconz.2023.685Factors That Influence Interest in Paying Zakat Online
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">A Muslim or a business controlled by a Muslim must issue zakat in line with religious rules in order for it to be distributed to those who are eligible to receive it. New innovations are implemented by zakat management organizations in the process of collecting zakat funds, among other numerous technological advancements. Zakat payment is perceived as being highly simple, practical, and successful thanks to technology. Indonesia has two zakat management organizations: BAZ (Amil Zakat Agency) and (Amil Zakat Institution). Zakat and taxes are contextually the same, but there are differences between the two, namely zakat is promulgated directly by Allah SWT for Muslims, while taxes are regulated by the state for all people in the country. Zakat can play a role in increasing state revenues and fostering community prosperity. In addition, zakat can also foster social care, eliminate economic tensions in society, as a charity activity, and function as working capital for underprivileged people so that they can open businesses, work, and be able to meet their basic needs. But there are still many Muslims who do not understand the importance of paying zakat such as a lack of public trust in zakat management organizations and many Muslims who still do not know how to calculate zakat and who is responsible for distributing it. On the other hand, there are also many factors that influence the intention to pay zakat online, including knowledge, religiosity, convenience, environment, self-awareness. earnings, reputation, trust, use and risk.</span></em></p>Muhammad Ash Shiddiqy
2024-05-062024-05-0619720210.37706/iconz.2023.539The Impact Comparison of Consumptive Zakat Distribution and Productive Zakat Empowerment: A Case Study From Baznas South Tangerang
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in the impact of the distribution of consumptive zakat distribution and productive zakat empowerment in Baznas South Tangerang. The data analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank difference test. The result of study show that: First, there was a significant and positive impact from the consumptive zakat distribution at Baznas South Tangerang because the results of the t-test of Wilcoxon Signed Rank difference is 0.01 (p < 0.05). It implied that the zakat distribution to mustahik have a good progress. Secondly, there is a less significant and positive impact of productive zakat empowerment at Baznas South Tangerang because the results of the t-test Wilcoxon Signed Rank difference is 0.01 (p < 0.05). It is implied that productive zakat empowerment still trying to reach good progress.</span></em></p>Wan Nur AzizahSyafaat Muhari
2024-05-032024-05-0320321110.37706/iconz.2023.686Empowering Zakat Funds for the development of MSMEs
<p><em>The growth of MSMEs is one sector that can increase national income, economic growth which leads to social wellbeing. However, in the course of their business, MSMEs often face several problems such as; capital, knowledge, market access, infrastructure, management skills, and community support. Observing, this phenomenon, we do not just have to stand by government policy completely, Islamic social financial instruments can play a vital role, one of which is through zakat collection funds. These funds can be allocated not only for consumptive functions but also productive ones. Thus, the urgency of this research is to analyze the empowerment of zakat collection funds for the development of MSMEs. The research method is qualitative in nature with a content analysis approach. The data was collected through theoretical analysis, empirical research, and case studies that have been published in the scientific literature. The findings of the research emphasize that zakat has great potential as an Islamic social finance instrument that can have a positive impact on the empowerment and growth of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. With efficient and effective implementation, empowering zakat funds can be a valuable instrument in realizing economic, social, and environmental development goals at the local and national levels.</em></p>Nurul HilmiyahSeptiana Nurul KharimahAfifah FarhaAlvira Alvira
2024-05-072024-05-0721222310.37706/iconz.2023.662Muzaki’s Behavior towards The Use of Digital Platforms in Zakat Management in South Kalimantan Sociological Perspective of Law
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">During the Covid-19 pandemic, zakat played an essential role in dealing with risks due to the pandemic. These conditions have led to the development of zakat collection patterns using technology or digital platforms. But, the acquisition of collecting zakat funds through digital platforms in South Kalimantan is experiencing a slowdown. It is still far from the existing potential, so it becomes a problem how the people of South Kalimantan respond to this. This study aims to analyze the perceptions, knowledge, and role of muzaki in reactualizing zakat management through digital platforms. This is empirical research in which the data were obtained through interviews. Respondents who participated included academics, muzaki, and Zakat Management Organizations (BAZNAS and LAZNAS) staff in South Kalimantan. The results of the interviews that have been converted into transcripts are then processed using a qualitative approach with the Coding process with the help of Atlas.ti version 8 software. The results of the analysis using the ATLAS.ti application consists of three things, namely perception, knowledge, and reactualization. Muzaki's perception is divided into positive, negative, and floating perceptions. Muzaki's knowledge of digitizing zakat is obtained through digital media, BAZNAS services, print media, government campaigns, banking, self-initiative, family and friends, scholars, and digital literacy. Then the actualization carried out by muzakki includes their participation in explaining how to pay zakat at BAZNAS, disseminating information about BAZNAS institutions, and inviting other people to give zakat.</span></em></p>Sri MaulidaFahmi Al AmruziBudi Rahmat HakimIrfan Syauqi Beik
2024-05-072024-05-0722424710.37706/iconz.2023.566The Role of BAZNAS RI in Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda in the Environmental Development Pillar
<p><em>SDGs can be used as a measuring tool and guide empowerment programs carried out by various National Amil Zakat Agencies. Even though there are some people or groups who are still taboo or still unfamiliar with the sustainable development agenda and the link between zakat and SDGs. Therefore, BAZNAS RI has a role and effort in supporting the SDGs agenda, especially in the Environmental Development Pillar with six goals: clean water and proper sanitation, decent cities and settlements, responsible consumption and production, handling climate change, marine ecosystems, and terrestrial ecosystems.</em></p>Putri Haezah FahriahAli IdrusRini Fatma Kartika
2024-05-072024-05-0724825610.37706/iconz.2023.615Community Empowerment through Micro Business Assistance Program at the RPI Mosque in South Jakarta
<p><em>This study aims to determine the community empowerment program carried out by the Pondok Indah Grand Mosque, South Jakarta through the Micro Business Assistance Program. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach method, which is a method. The results showed that the community empowerment process carried out by the Pondok Indah Grand Mosque of South Jakarta through the Micro Business Assistance Program is one of the solutions in efforts to deal with poverty in the community. The role of the mosque that provides assistance through the Micro Business Assistance Program makes the community, especially small traders, empowered by becoming beneficiaries of ZIS management (zakat, infaq and shodaqoh). Assistance is provided in the form of revolving assistance, with very easy, flexible terms with a profit sharing system. So it is hoped that the South Jakarta Pondok Indah Grand Mosque Micro Business Assistance Program can continue to be developed so that the community is more empowered amid the crush of poverty.</em></p>Muhammad Yudi Ali AkbarSuhartini AshariDede FahrurojiHasanuddin Rahman
2024-05-072024-05-0725726610.37706/iconz.2023.666Improving Financial Literacy and Zakat Fund Management in Majelis Taklim: An Action Plan
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to investigate the depth of understanding of taklim assembly members on financial literacy and the extent to which this understanding affects the management of zakat funds in a community context. Financial literacy not only includes an understanding of personal financial management, but also an understanding of zakat fund management as a form of social and economic investment in the community. Smart and transparent management of zakat funds not only creates positive social impact, but also empowers the local economy by financing productive projects and supporting family economic independence. Through a qualitative approach, the research will include in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and participatory observations in elected majelis taklim. By assembling experiences and direct views from members of the taklim assembly, this study aims to produce in-depth and relevant findings in an effort to improve the understanding of financial literacy and the management of zakat funds in the taklim assembly. This research is expected to provide significant insights for Islamic finance practitioners, philanthropic institutions, and parties involved in zakat fund management. By exploring it, we hope to encourage the development of education strategies and more efficient and sustainable management of zakat funds within the majelis taklim, which in turn will make a positive contribution to local economic development and improve </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">community welfare. With strong determination and a holistic approach, this research will be a foothold to advance the understanding of financial literacy and the effectiveness of zakat fund management at the community level, creating a solid foundation for sustainable social and economic progress</span></em></p>Badrah UyuniMuhammad Adnan
2024-05-032024-05-0326727910.37706/iconz.2023.687An Analysis Of The Effects of Profitability and Total Assets On Corporate Zakat: A Case Study Of Islamic Commercial Banks In Indonesia
<p><em>The objective of this study is to examine the impact of profitability, Return on Equity (ROE), and assets on the corporate zakat of Islamic banking institutions in Indonesia. The research employed secondary data and was examined using a quantitative technique, specifically employing a panel data regression model. The data for this study was collected from Islamic Commercial Banks that published zakat funds between the years 2011 and 2021. Net Profit Margin (NPM) serves as a proxy for measuring the profitability of Islamic commercial banks. The findings indicate that the model employed in this study, which incorporates the variables of NPM, ROE, and assets, collectively exerts a statistically significant influence on corporate zakat. However, each element has a distinct impact on corporate performance. The findings of the study indicate that both NPM and assets exhibit a statistically significant impact on the zakat contributions made by companies. However, it is observed that the ROE does not have a significant effect on the zakat contributions made by companies. It can be firmly asserted that there is a positive correlation between a corporation's NPM and assets, and the corresponding increase in the amount of corporate zakat. This has the potential to provide the government with the opportunity to promote the performance of the Islamic banking industry, leading to an increase in their NPM and assets. This, in turn, can contribute to the social effect of the industry through the utilization of zakat.</em></p>Yohana Eva SabatantiDwi Retno Widiyanti
2024-05-072024-05-0728029510.37706/iconz.2023.628Determinant Factors to Pay Zakat in BAZNAS Yogyakarta City
<p>This research empirically tests the factors influencing muzakki paying zakat at the Yogyakarta City National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS). This type of research uses quantitative to test the factors of Religiosity, institutional image, and service quality on muzakki interest. The samples were a portion of the 72 muzakki that made up BAZNAS Yogyakarta City. Non-probability sampling is used in the sampling procedure. The questionnaire research instrument as a data source uses Likert scale measurements. Next, the data was tested using multiple linear regression to answer the research objectives. The results of statistical tests show that the factors of Religiosity, institutional image, and service quality influence muzakki's interest in paying zakat at BAZNAS Yogyakarta City.</p>Sri IgamawarniRofiul WahyudiMufti Alam AdhaDina Febriani DarmansyahPribawa E Pantas
2024-05-032024-05-0329630410.37706/iconz.2023.584Achieving Amil Zakat Performance Through Empowerment Programs: Evidence from Muhammadiyah Zakat Institution in DIY Province
<p><em>Empowerment become a new technique that makes employees proactive in improving employee performance. Thus, this research purpose to observe the appraisal of the Empowerment for employee in achieving Amil (Zakat Employee) Performance by mediating Islamic Job Satisfaction at the Muhammadiyah Zakat Institution (LAZISMU) in DIY. Additionally, it highlights a new perspective by delivering the specific determinants that impact Performance of Amil mediated by empowerment program from LAZISMU. This research used quantitative and survey approach. The research sample was selected through the purposive sampling technique and analyzed with the Partial Least Square. The research found that Empowerment programs by implementation of work meaningfulness, trust, authority can improve Performance of Amil LAZISMU in DIY. And the results of the indirect effect that job satisfaction can be influenced by the application of empowerment and in the end can improve Amil Performance. This research is expected to be of particular concern to zakat institutions, especially in the human resources to provide information about the importance of empowering Amil performance at the LAZISMU in DIY.</em></p>Bachtiar Dwi KurniawanAsma Munifatussaidah
2024-05-062024-05-0630531510.37706/iconz.2023.545The Effect of ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh) on Profits at BPRS Amanah Ummah 2015 - 2021
<p><em>In the study entitled The Effect of Zakat, Infaq, and Alms on Profits at PT. BPRS Amanah Ummah is to find out whether the value of Zakat, Infaq, and Alms issued by PT. The BPRS Amanah Ummah has influence or connection with the profits it earns. This research uses a descriptive quantitative method, namely looking at the relationship between the numbers between one variable and another variable, namely the relationship between the numbers or values of Zakat, Infaq, and Alms with the value of Profit which is processed using SPSS version 26. The results of the study revealed that PT. BPRS Amanah Ummah is a BPRS that consistently pays its Zakat, Infaq and Alms every year. Apart from that, this BPRS has also made special reports for Zakat, Infaq and Alms according to the regulations that have been stipulated. The value of the amount of Zakat, Infaq, and Alms issued by PT. BPRS Amanah Ummah has no influence on the value of the profit it gets.</em></p>Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy
2024-05-062024-05-0631632310.37706/iconz.2023.528The Role of Baitul Mal in Empowering MSMEs Through Productive Zakat in Aceh
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to evaluate Baitul Mal's contribution to the utilization of business capital for the poor in Aceh and empowering MSMEs through productive zakat. This study uses a qualitative method with literature review using secondary data obtained from various existing sources such as the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), journals, books, websites and others which are of course related to research. The results of the study show that Baitul Mal Aceh uses aqad qardl al-hasan which is channeled to two sectors, namely agriculture and trade to channel productive zakat funds into Cash Capital Assistance (Cash). Plus, it's given as a favor to buy items. A lease purchase system is used to channel this assistance in the form of goods. Baitul Mal Aceh creates zakat that is beneficial for the economic empowerment of recipients and so that the less fortunate can consistently manage or finance their lives. Poor people will be able to increase their business, develop it, and set aside their money for savings with the help of these zakat funds</em></p>Sururi Maudhunati
2024-05-062024-05-0632433410.37706/iconz.2023.569Risk Analysis of Productive Zakat Distribution and Mustahik Welfare Based on the CIBEST Model
<p><em>Poverty occurs due to natural and economic conditions, but based on the percentage of poor people, which fell to 9.54 (BPS), this proves that there are efforts to deal with poverty. Dompet Dhuafa distributes its productive zakat through an empowerment program, in this case. According to Sharia, this zakat distribution activity can be effective and safe if it does not conflict with the Al-Quran or hadith, but this does not rule out the possibility of risks in its operations. This research focuses on analyzing distribution risks and measuring the welfare of Mustahik based on the CIBEST model. The method uses a qualitative-quantitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were obtained through observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires to several Mustahiq respondents. The research results show that there are distribution risks through the assessment, planning, monitoring, evaluation and follow-up planning processes, such as inflated budgeting, non-compliance with the predetermined timeline, subjectivity in mustahiq assessments, not being on target, non-conformity with the priority scale, mustahiq complaints related to inconsistencies in the expected assistance. There are changes in the conditions of Mustahik before and after receiving assistance using the CIBEST model. CIBEST model calculation results before and after Dompet Dhuafa's productive zakat are categorized into four quadrants. Quadrant I, from 1 RT, increased to 5 RT. Quadrant II, it is known that 7 RTs have decreased to 3 RTs. Quadrant III and Quadrant IV did not find any RT included in them. Meanwhile, the CIBEST index calculation results show that before and after the productive zakat assistance from Dompet Dhuafa, it was 12.5% to 62.5% in the prosperous category, 87.5% to 37.5% in the material poor category, 0% in the spiritual poor category and 0 % for the absolute poor category</em></p>Nurifa AdhaNorma Rosyidah
2024-05-062024-05-0633534510.37706/iconz.2023.626Optimization of Baznas Performance to Raise Zakah Fund: Study from BAZNAS Banten Province
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to understand zakat fundraising strategies and analyze its optimization of fundraising strategies in the BAZNAS of Banten Province. This research conduct a qualitative research method use focused interviews. The research findings lead to several conclusions. First, the strategies employed by BAZNAS Banten to raise zakat include digitalization, socialization, transparency, and maintaining muzakki loyalty, promotion using banners, competent Amil, and Zakat Funding Unit/Unit Pengumpul Zakat (UPZ). Second, the realization of these strategies in optimizing programs to enhance zakat fundraising consists of four programs: 1) Socialization of zakat as a tax-deductible expense; 2) Formation of UPZ. Registered UPZs in BAZNAS Banten Province are continually monitored through regular meetings and socialization, allow them to optimize their performance in collecting zakat. 3) Enhancing zakat literacy. This program is carried out through two models, direct and digital, providing zakat education through four programs: zakat talkshow, zakat goes to company, zakat goes to campus, and zakat goes to school.</span></em></p>Mega AuliaMulfi Aulia
2024-05-032024-05-0334635210.37706/iconz.2023.688The Role Of Zakat In Improving The Intelligence Of The Nation’s Children Through A Scholarship Program by The Amil Zakat Institute (Baitul Maal)
<p>Zakat is here to help the nation's children in achieving their dreams and these ideals can be achieved with proper education, but not all children get adequate education in the sense that there are children who stop taking education due to limited costs, the absence of educational support facilities that make children drop out of school and even despair, for that there needs to be a policy to anticipate this. The need for scholarship programs to assist these children in completing their education scholarships have an important role in encouraging and supporting the development of quality human resources, expanding educational opportunities, and creating a positive impact in society. The management of zakat funds for the development of education in Indonesia is legally permissible based on the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council Number Kep.120 / MU / II / 1996 concerning the Provision of Zakat for Scholarships and Baznas Regulation No. 3 of 2018 concerning the distribution and utilization of zakat. In this case, the utilization of zakat is carried out in the fields of economics, health and education. That way zakat funds can be distributed in the form of financial assistance, namely scholarships that are useful for students and students in education, namely students and students who experience financial difficulties in their education, the amil zakat agency is here to help and provide benefits from the collection of zakat funds that have been distributed by muzakki (zakat givers), not only given for consumptive purposes but for educational purposes.</p>Diras .Faisal .Layla Tunnur
2024-05-062024-05-0635336110.37706/iconz.2023.550Analysis of Zakat Fund Distribution in the Depok Cerdas Program
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research is motivated by the fact that the quality of education in Indonesia is very low according to the learning ability survey released by the Program For International Student Assessment (PISA), Indonesia is ranked 72nd out of 77 countries surveyed. Moreover, the average IQ score for Indonesia is quite low as reported by World data. Population Review 2022, the average IQ value of the population in Indonesia is just 78.49. This score places Indonesia at 130th position out of a total of 199 countries tested. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method using focused interviews. The author carried out data collection techniques using interviews, documentation and observation. The results of the study shows that mechanism for distributing zakat funds at BAZNAS Depok City in the Depok Smart program is in already in line with Law Number 23 of 2011 about Zakat Management. Meanwhile the distribution of zakat funds at Baznas Depok City in the Depok Smart Program is appropriate given to mustahik based on the scale priority and is quite useful, it can improve the level of education and can reduce the school dropout rate.</span></em></p>Indah Permata SariSultan Antus Nasrudin Muhammad
2024-05-032024-05-0336237010.37706/iconz.2023.689Integrating Zakat into Indonesian Fiscal System: a Propose Solution to Budget Deficit Program
<p>The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the failure of several economic sectors and exacerbated global economic conditions. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of fiscal policies during the time of the Prophet and in contemporary Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to produce concrete policy recommendations that can be implemented to integrate zakat into the Indonesian fiscal system as a solution to the budget deficit problem. The study utilizes a literature review method and collects secondary data from various sources. Data analysis is performed through a process of compilation and analysis to conclude a proposed solution to the budget deficit by integrating zakat into the Indonesian existing fiscal system. The result of this study shows that it is possible to integrate zakat as an Indonesian fiscal instrument, and it can be a solution to the budget deficit caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this paper suggest that the government can make zakat an alternative source of government revenue given its great potential and its compatibility with the government's poverty alleviation program.</p>Amar FachruddinMuhammad Fiqih Rizqi ChandraIhsanul Ikhwan
2024-05-062024-05-0637138210.37706/iconz.2023.644The Role of Productive Zakat to The Mustahik Prosperity in Banjarbaru
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to determine the mechanism for productive zakat empowerment in BAZNAS at City of Banjarbaru City as well as to determine the role of productive zakat empowerment in the mustahik prosperity. This research uses a qualitative method using indepth interviews. The primary data used is the result of an interview with zakat distribution & utilization staff at BAZNAS Banjarbaru. The results of the study show that firstly, the mechanism for empower productive zakat at BAZNAS Banjarbaru has four stages, namely accepting mustahik prospective, preparing programs and verifying mustahik data, surveying the feasibility of mustahik, and optimizing the benefits of productive zakat. These two facts about the productive use of zakat play a role in improving the welfare of mustahik, especially in the BAZNAS environment in Banjarbaru.</span></em></p>Nurul HidayahMulfi Aulia
2024-05-062024-05-0638339010.37706/iconz.2023.690Implementation of Accountability and Transparency Zakat: BAZNAS Digital Transformation Innovation in an Effort to Enhance Social Impact
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the attempt to alleviate poverty, zakat is one of the drivers of social development. In addition to being a third tenet of Islam, zakat plays a part in the fulfillment of social well-being as one of the strategies for attaining national objectives of social and economic justice in Indonesia. As major foundations of the Zakat movement, Amil Zakat Institutions (LAZs) such as BAZNAS and other LAZs are supposed to assist the government in implementing these principles. It is critical for every LAZ to establish accountability and transparency in the collecting and distribution of precisely targeted zakat, especially in this age of information openness and media digitalization. Gaining the trust and moral support of zakat (Muzakki), beneficiaries (Mustahiq), and the general public is critical. LAZ must develop innovation through Digital Transformation for publication needs and services as part of the institution's transparency to stakeholders and shareholders participating in fund management operations. The use of significant digital media is done in accordance with the growth of the times and trends in society, using methods of communication linked to the Internet.</span></p>Galung TrikoJulita Nurmasari
2024-05-032024-05-0339139710.37706/iconz.2023.631Zakat Environment: A Bibliometric Analysis
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Zakat is an important element to stimulate a green economy, which will increase human well-being in economic activities and social equity, and simultaneously reduce risks to the environment and ecological scarcity. The aim of this research is to find out research areas and developments in research on zakat and the environment. The data used was taken from scientific articles published by Scopus, Scopus was chosen because it has the largest international database and has a good reputation (Parlina et al., 2020). Based on the results of bibliometric analysis, there are 68 publications affiliated with 11 institutions, from 1996 to 2023. The most productive institution for publishing scientific articles is Universiti Utara Malaysia with a total of 15 documents. The highest number of publications was in 2023 with 13 documents, this indicates that environmental awareness is increasing. This indicates that the green economy is one of the keys to realizing sustainable development.</span></em></p>Eko KurniawanHasna Mumtaz NastitiReza Awaliah Ali
2024-05-062024-05-0639840510.37706/iconz.2023.587Philanthropy for Widows at Islamic University-Based Islamic Microfinance Institutions in Madura Indonesia After the Covid-19 Pandemic
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Universities perform a role beyond the enhancement of knowledge in modern society. During the epidemic, however, numerous institutions contributed to the improvement of the community's economy, and this trend persisted after the outbreak. The financial institutions established on the campuses of Madura's Islamic universities govern philanthropy as one of the instruments for economic development. Utilizing interviews, observation, and documentation, this research was conducted using a qualitative methodology. The study's findings indicate that Islamic universities in Madura, through Islamic financial institutions and Islamic boarding schools, contribute to the improvement of the community's economy from the pandemic to the post-pandemic era through the use of philanthropic instruments, one of which is a widow. Widows are viewed as one of the categories that must be aided by the economy because it is usual for widows, especially those with children, to encounter economic hardships. In Islamic microfinance institutions founded on Islamic colleges in Madura, types of generosity include building houses, supplying meals on a blessed Friday, offering zakat maal and zakat fitrah, waqf in the form of daily necessities, and productive economic forms including capital aid.</span></em></p>Harisah HarisahFadllan FadllanRudy Haryanto
2024-05-062024-05-0640641610.37706/iconz.2023.526Islamic Law Review on the Position of Santri as Mustahik Zakat
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to conduct an Islamic law review of the position of santri as mustahik zakat. This research involves analyzing various scholars' perspectives on whether santri qualify as zakat recipients based on Islamic law. Zakat is one of the religious obligations in Islam that has an important role in distributing wealth and helping those in need. The principles of zakat have been regulated in religious texts, but its application often raises questions and debates amidst the dynamic development of society. One of the questions that arises is about the position of santri or knowledge seekers as mustahik zakat, this is because the issue is included in the scope of ijtihad. This research is qualitative research with data collection techniques using literature review. The data used in this research are sourced from books, scientific articles, and official websites that have information relevant to the research topic such as fiqh and regulations on zakat in Indonesia. The results show that students or knowledge seekers are mustahik zakat, and it is permissible to give zakat to students or knowledge seekers according to the opinions of classical and contemporary scholars. This is because knowledge seekers are included as fī sabilillah. However, the zakat should be given to people who really need it, especially to students who come from underprivileged families. This is so that zakat funds can be utilized properly in accordance with Islamic principles.</span></em></p>Abdul Rahman Ramadhan
2024-05-062024-05-0641742510.37706/iconz.2023.616The Impact of Zakah, Islamic Financing, Sukuk and Inflation on National Economic as a Moderation Variable
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to determine the impact of zakat, sharia financing, sukuk and inflation on national economic growth with poverty as a moderating variable in 2017 - 2021. The research journal above uses quantitative research methods, which are carried out by collecting data in the form of numbers and then processing and analyzing it until it becomes precise data. The data used in the research above is secondary data in the form of panel data, which is taken from time series and cross-section data. The data in the research above comes from several websites ranging from OJK, BAZNAS and BI. The data was tested using a simple regression analysis model, with the help of SPSS 10 VersionSimple regression analysis, a regression equation containing an element of interaction, namely the multiplication between two or more independent variables. According to one researcher, regression analysis is the study of the dependence of the dependent variable (dependent) on one or more independent variables (independent variables) to estimate and predict the population mean or mean value of the dependent variable based on the known values of the independent variable. Meanwhile, Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) is a particular application of multiple linear regression, where the regression equation contains an element of interaction, namely the multiplication of two or more independent variables.</span></em></p>Firman AzisNorma Rosyidah
2024-05-062024-05-0642643310.37706/iconz.2023.630Transparency of Zakat Funds to Increase Public Trust in Zakat Institutions
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Zakat management institutions need to be evaluated and can provide transparency and accountability of funds to the public. This study aims to determine the pattern of management of zakat funds in zakat management institutions. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. The study involved the amil zakat institution in the district of sleman, the province of the special region of Yogyakarta. Data were obtained using interviews, observations, and literature studies on research problems. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data tabulation, data presentation, and conclusion. The results show that a transparent income and expenditure report will increase the number of funds collected and facilitate the distribution of zakat evenly. In addition, the transparency of zakat funds will increase public trust in zakat institutions. Therefore, this research is expected to provide an overview of zakat institutions to be transparent and accountable for the funds obtained and distributed.</span></em></p>M. Zidny Nafi’ HasbiIpuk Widayanti
2024-05-062024-05-0643444010.37706/iconz.2023.534Governance of Zakat Capitalization in Indonesia
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The role of zakat is very vital and an important thing that accompanies every era in Indonesia. The reality that occurs shows that there is still minimal potential for zakat that can be explored. The total national zakat potential is 327 trillion Rupiah, but the new zakat collection was recorded at 14 trillion Rupiah. The total potential for zakat in OIC member countries ranges from 1.8% to 4.34% of their GDP. Some countries have reached an advanced stage in the development of zakat, while several other countries are still in the initial stages. In fact, there are several countries that do not pay any attention at all to the management and development of zakat. Indonesia, as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, is a country that does not require its Muslim citizens to pay zakat. This research is a study that aims to explore "Indonesian Zakat Capitalization Governance is a complex topic and requires in-depth research to be able to provide appropriate and comprehensive answers.</span></em></p>Damayanti .Ridwan Sukmana
2024-05-062024-05-0644145410.37706/iconz.2023.610Analysis of The Determining Factors of Muzakki's Interest in The Use of The Zakat Payment Method Through The Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS) Code at BAZNAS City of Pekanbaru
<p style="text-align: justify;">Bank Indonesia also supports the acceleration of digital finance by expanding usage acceptance<em>Quick Response Indonesian Standard</em>(QRIS). The use of QRIS as a digital payment method in Indonesia has shown a positive trend since it became operational in 2020. In 2021, QRIS use reached 7.6 trillion transactions with a total of 12.2 million registered merchants. However, this interest has not been seen in the use of QRIS for zakat at BAZNAS Pekanbaru City with the number of users being 0 people, which shows that there are no muzakki who use QRIS at BAZNAS Pekanbaru City.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The aim of this research is to analyze the determining factors of interest<em>muzakki</em>towards the use of the zakat payment method via the QRIS code at BAZNAS Pekanbaru City with the limits of the variables studied, namely Knowledge, Benefits and Risks.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This research uses primary data and secondary data obtained from the results of questionnaires distributed to 87 respondents and data from related institutions. The results of this research are based on the results of multiple regression analysis tests showing that knowledge and benefits have a positive and significant effect on interest<em>muzakki</em>in using the QRIS code with a contribution percentage of 71% and 24.8% respectively and for risk it has no effect on interest with a risk value of 0.104 > 0.1. Meanwhile, the results of the simultaneous test analysis (f test) show that knowledge, interest and risk simultaneously influence muzakki's interest in giving zakat using the QRIS code with a contribution percentage of 55.1%, while the remaining 44.9% is influenced by other variables.</p>Muharahmi Rahmi
2024-05-032024-05-0345546010.37706/iconz.2023.538Analysis of Problems and Solutions for Low Cash Waqf in Indonesia Using Analytic Network Process Approach
<p><strong>Purpose </strong>– The aim of the study is to examine the problem factors that influence the weakness of cash waqf and alternative solutions for managing cash waqf in detail and comprehensive both internally and externally in Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Design/methodology/approach</strong> – this study used the Analytical Network Process (ANP) and was mapped using Problem-Solution Model by processing respondent data, which consists of seven experts and seven practitioners. The ANP framework is divided into four aspects, namely human resources, institutional, government and society. The four aspects are then divided into three clusters, namely the Problems, the Solutions and the Strategies internally and externally. </p> <p><strong>Findings</strong> – The main result shows that the low level of cash waqf in Indonesia is because of the weak management system from internal factors in institutional problems; the main solution is strengthening <strong>the Indonesian Waqf Agency </strong><strong>(</strong>BWI) from external government solutions; the main strategic priority is the application of information technology.</p> <p><strong>Research limitations/implications</strong> – The study invokes the attention of government, nazhir and society to improve cash waqf collection. They have to give proper attention to support cash waqf by increasing management system, professionalism, literacy, and budget. They should focus on strategies and solutions to cope with those problems internally and externally.</p> <p><strong>Originality/value</strong> – This study adds to the scarce literature on problems, solutions and strategies to cope with the problems of cash waqf using ANP methods in detail and comprehensively. The study contributes to the literature on the issue of the low cash waqf by reconfirming (or otherwise) findings of previous studies.</p>Aprida SusantiDede Abdul FatahZulkarnain Muhammad Ali
2024-05-032024-05-0346148610.37706/iconz.2023.543Information System Centralization and Donor Segmentation Mapping to Improve the Collection Performance of Islamic Philanthropy Institutions
<p>This research aims to identify the problems faced by zakat management institutions in prospecting donors. This research also aims to initiate an integrated application to support the donor prospecting process. This research uses descriptive analysis method with design thinking technique and application development mapping through product vision technique. Some of the problems of zakat management institutions lie in the limited human resources of the fundraising department in mapping donor segmentation. Some application features that can be developed are prospect features, donor data provision, general donor analysis, donor detail segmentation, and prospect information. The initiation of the application is expected to be able to help the funding department of philanthropic institutions in prospecting donors based on their segments.</p>Radifan Hilfi AssyuhadaFebrina Putri SalmaAnriani .
2024-05-032024-05-0348749410.37706/iconz.2023.650Interconnection of Productive Zakat Management in the Development of the Mustahik Halal Industry in Indonesia
<p><em>The halal industry is always synonymous with food, fashion, tourism, and pharmaceuticals. The halal industry also includes sharia financial aspects such as zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf. This research analyzes the essential interconnection between productive zakat management and the development of the halal Mustahik industry in Indonesia. This research explains how productive zakat can be an effective instrument in empowering Mustahik involved in the halal industrial sector. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. Primary data sources were obtained from observations and interviews with Mustahik who were involved in the halal industry, such as Mustahik who received economic programs in the form of the ZMart, Z-Coffee, Santripreneur, and Animal Center programs. Secondary data sources were obtained from the Bank Indonesia Halal Industrial Ecosystem Book, the National Strategy Book for the Development of the Indonesian Halal Industry - National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS), and several articles, brochures, documents, and others related to productive zakat research. This research shows that good interconnection between productive zakat management and the development of the halal Mustahik industry is very important to achieve inclusive and sustainable economic growth in Indonesia. Therefore, there is a need for development in productive zakat investment in halal products owned by Mustahik to carry out optimal and sustainable empowerment. Productive zakat interconnection is also carried out between government institutions, halal industry players, sharia financial institutions, zakat amil institutions, and other stakeholders in creating a halal industrial ecosystem by utilizing productive zakat for Mustahik involved in the halal industry in Indonesia.</em></p>Abdul RachmanIti SeptiMartavevi AzwarShofiah TidjaniDidi SuardiSyamsul Asmedi
2024-05-032024-05-0349551010.37706/iconz.2023.599Productive Zakat Trend Analysis: A Bibliometric and Research Map From 2014 - 2023
<p>This research aims to evaluate the development of studies on "Productive Zakat" from 2014 to 2023 and identify research plans that can be carried out based on articles that have been published on the topic. In this research, a qualitative method with a bibliometric analysis approach is used. The data used is secondary data focusing on the theme of "Productive Zakat" obtained from the Dimensions database with a total of 491 journal articles as of October 03, 2023. Then, the data is processed and analyzed using the VosViewer application to describe the bibliometric map of the development of research on "Productive Zakat" at the global level. The results of research on the topic of "Productive Zakat" based on keyword mapping, there are 4 clusters that can become research paths with topics related to Productive Zakat in Pandemic Era, Productive Zakat and Mustahiq Economy, ZISWAF and Productive Zakat, and MSME and Productive Zakat. Furthermore, the most used words are Productive Zakat, distribution, fund, mustahiq, waqf, and zakat fund. In the future, it is necessary to develop a research agenda on the topic of productive zakat, for example related to productive zakat and digitalization. Which in the cluster does not appear in the research line so it is an interesting thing to study further</p> <p> </p>Lia FitriaMuhammad Arsyi BamazrukAam Slamet Rusydiana
2024-05-062024-05-0651152110.37706/iconz.2023.614A Decade of Zakat Compliance Research: a Bibliometric Approach by Using VOS Viewer
<p><em>This study aims to provide quantitative information about the development of zakat compliance research for a decade. The research focused on mapping terms related to zakat compliance and analyzing results through network visualization, overlay visualization, and density visualization images. This study utilizes a bibliometric method to determine the terms that are linked to zakat compliance and identify the terms that still need to be established for zakat compliance. The Google Scholar and Scopus databases were searched using Harzing's publish and Perish search to locate literature on zakat compliance from 2013-2023. Its found that research topics zakat compliance is mostly associated with the theory of planned behavior, compliance behavior, and compliance. However, self-efficacy is a variable that has been found but not widely studied. The results are valuable for future research on individual behavior related to pay zakat. This information can be used to guide policymakers in developing a concept of zakat compliance that aligns with Islamic principles and is more easily adopted by individuals and businesses without feeling obligated to give zakat.</em></p>Gista RismayaniBambang Agus PramukaDona Primasari
2024-05-062024-05-0652253410.37706/iconz.2023.618Proposed Distribution of Zakat Fii Sabilillah Category for International Achievement Students Islamic Boarding School
<p>Zakat has excellent potential to develop long-term education. Effective distribution will positively impact the trust of <em>muzakki </em>and <em>mustahik </em>beneficiaries. The <em>fii sabilillah</em> category is dynamically transforming the awarding of scholarships with international achievements. Islamic boarding schools face obstacles in Indonesia, such as low literacy, lack of scientific publications, and limited philanthropic institution support. The research aims to propose a model for distributing zakat to Islamic boarding school students with international achievements. Qualitative research with a case approach at Daarut Tauhiid Peduli Banten Branch Office. Data collection uses interviews, literature study and documentation. Informants were obtained from the Head of Empowerment DT Peduli. Data analysis technique using triangulation. The research results show that DT Peduli, the efficacy of zakat distribution to the fii sabilillah category that has been explained, is effective because it is more about internal aspects; opinions support this. The distribution of scholarship program indicators, namely program targets and program objectives. The obstacle faced is that it has not been connected and consolidated with international philanthropy programs and Indonesian embassies abroad so that they can collaborate to contribute to international students' achievements. The research implications are that the more effective the distribution of zakat to the <em>fii sabilillah</em> category, the better the level of public trust and the quality of human resources with education.</p>Muhamad FauziAselina Endang TriastutiEmmy HamidiyahIta SitasariRaden Ali Pangestu
2024-05-062024-05-0653554710.37706/iconz.2023.555Determinant Behavioral Intention to Use Fintech for ZISWAF Payments In Generation Z: Integration of Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Optimizing financial technology services can be an alternative solution in dealing with the problem of collecting zakat, infaq, alms, waqf (ZISWAF) funds which are still far from the existing potential figures. This research aims to analyze the factors influence behavioral intention to use fintech for ZISWAF in generation Z by integrating TAM and TPB theories. This study uses Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)</em> dan <em>Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) </em><em>in analyzing behavioral factors in using fintech. The analytical method used in this research is SEM-PLS using Smart PLS 4.0. The independent variables in this research include perceived usefulness, perceived convenience, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. The dependent variable examined in this research is Behavioral Intention to use fintech. Apart from that, this research also uses the attitude as a mediating variable between perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the Behavioral Intention. </em><em>The research results show that the TAM construct variable, namely perceived usefulness, does not have a positive effect on Behavioral Intention, while the perceived convenience variable has a positive effect on Behavioral Intention. However, these two variables have an indirect effect on Behavioral Intention through the mediation of the usage attitude variable. Besides that, the TPB construct variables, namely attitudes and subjective norms, have a positive and significant influence on Behavioral Intention, but the perceived behavioral control variable does not have a significant positive influence on Behavioral Intention.</em></p>Aisya Sekar Gading PujiantoroDarwanto .
2024-05-062024-05-0654856110.37706/iconz.2023.578Review of People's Behavior in Paying Zakat in Indonesia: Efforts to Minimize The Impact of The Economic Crisis With A Planned Behavior Theory Approach
<p><em>The current study seeks to determine the behavior of people in Indonesia in paying zakat as an effort to deal with the economic crisis based on planning theory behavior. The design used in this research is a correlational cross-sectional design, questionnaire-based research. In total there are 100 samples obtained using the purposive sampling technique. The measurement model and research model used were partially evaluated using least squares structural equation models. This research produces and shows that zakat knowledge is positively related to attitudes towards paying zakat, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and zakat behavior. Apart from that, the findings show that zakat attitudes have a negative relationship with zakat intentions, however, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms have a positive relationship with behavioral intentions toward zakat planning. then, research shows that perceived behavioral control shows a negative relationship with zakat behavior, but behavioral intentions show a positive relationship with zakat behavior of people in Indonesia. These findings can help readers in providing the right combination of zakat knowledge to help people understand the role of zakat in facing the economic crisis.</em></p>Muhartsal RaihanShelviani Dwi PutriRafif Aufa FadhilahNaura Agfa MalihaUmmu Salma Al-Azizah
2024-05-062024-05-0656257410.37706/iconz.2023.581From Stability to Resilience: Assessing The National Zakat Amil Institution’s Financial Performance Before and During The COVID-19 Pandemic
<p><em>This research aims to examine the financial performance differences of the National Zakat Collection Institutions (LAZNAS) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. LAZNAS is an official zakat collection institution certified by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. In this study, researchers conducted a comparative analysis of LAZNAS's financial performance before and during the COVID-19 pandemic using a quantitative descriptive research approach. The data used are secondary data obtained from the financial reports of zakat collection institutions published on their websites for four periods: pre-pandemic (2018-2019) and during the pandemic (2020-2021). Data analysis involved assessing LAZNAS's financial performance based on activity ratios (zakat allocation ratio) and growth ratios (growth of zakat). Subsequently, non-parametric tests, specifically the Wilcoxon sign rank test using STATA 17, were conducted to examine the differences in LAZNAS's financial performance before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research findings indicate that there is no significant difference in the performance of zakat collection institutions based on activity ratios. However, the performance of zakat collection institutions based on growth ratios shows a significant difference, as evidenced by the results of the growth of zakat calculations. This implies that there is a difference in the collection of zakat funds by LAZNAS during the COVID-19 pandemic</em></p>Hapid DurohmanFriska Aulia Dewi AndiniSiti Shofia Marwa
2024-05-062024-05-0657559310.37706/iconz.2023.570Muzakki and Donor Preferences in Choosing Digital Payment for ZIS Payments (Case Study at Rumah Zakat)
<p>This research aims to examine the overview and influence of Zakat Literacy, Lifestyle, Digital Literacy, and Spiritual Motivation on the preferences of Muzakki and Donors in selecting digital payment methods for Zakat payments. The theory employed in this study is the consumer preference behavior theory. The chosen method is quantitative, using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), analyzed using SmartPLS software. The subjects of this research are Muzakki and Donors of Rumah Zakat Indonesia, with a sample size of 195 respondents. The descriptive findings of this study depict that the variables of Zakat Literacy, lifestyle, digital literacy, and spiritual motivation influence the preferences of Muzakki and Donors in choosing digital payment methods for Zakat payments fall under the high category. The hypothesis testing results of this study indicate that lifestyle and spiritual motivation have a positive and significant impact on the preferences of Muzakki and Donors. However, Zakat Literacy and digital literacy do not significantly influence the preferences of Muzakki and Donors. The implications of this study highlight that the preferences of Muzakki and Donors play a crucial role in the Zakat fundraising system. The utilization of digital methods for fundraising needs further optimization to bridge the gap between potential and actual funds collected, thus enhancing the overall effectiveness. Zakat Literacy and digital literacy do not significantly influence the preferences of Muzakki and Donors. The implications of this study highlight that the preferences of Muzakki and Donors play a crucial role in the Zakat fundraising system. The utilization of digital methods for fundraising needs further optimization to bridge the gap between potential and actual funds collected, thus enhancing the overall effectiveness. Zakat Literacy and digital literacy do not significantly influence the preferences of Muzakki and Donors. The implications of this study highlight that the preferences of Muzakki and Donors play a crucial role in the Zakat fundraising system. The utilization of digital methods for fundraising needs further optimization to bridge the gap between potential and actual funds collected, thus enhancing the overall effectiveness.</p>Endah NelawatiAas NurasyiahFirmansyah .
2024-05-062024-05-0659460910.37706/iconz.2023.641Prophetic Management for Zakat Distribution
<p><em>Prophetic management in zakat distribution refers to the views, values, principles and approaches of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH in preaching. This concept emphasizes the process of distributing zakat in accordance with the legal provisions of zakat fiqh, and applicable laws, in harmony with the socio-cultural character of Indonesian society and in line with technological developments in the era of globalization. This study examines how prophetic management is applied in the directed work of zakat distribution amidst the complexity of problems that do not stand alone both at the policy and implementation levels. Prophetic management principles such as tawakal, care, justice, ethics of serving with a clean heart and high social responsibility, up to the principle of eternity, provide a framework for operational and implementable zakat distribution starting with the determination of clear targets of zakat recipients in terms of basic needs and prioritization of zakat recipient groups, thus speed and accuracy in zakat distribution occurs, and has an impact on the collaborative active participation of all parties towards sustainability in poverty control.</em></p>Zainul AriefGiri CahyonoSiti Nuri NurhaidahMudrikatul Arafah
2024-05-062024-05-0661062210.37706/iconz.2023.667Conditional Cash Transfer (Cct) As An Alternative Scheme Of Zakat Distribution To Alleviate The Problem Of Stunting In Indonesia
<p><em>Indonesia, as a developing country, faces many challenges in addressing issues related to malnutrition. One of the most pressing concerns is stunting, which refers to the impaired growth and development of children due to chronic malnutrition. According to World Health Organization (WHO), around 30% of Indonesian children under the age of five are stunted. This is a concern, given that stunting has a long-term impact on children's physical and mental development. To answer this concern, the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Scheme of zakat distribution comes as a potential solution to stunting. This scheme is an innovative model of community social empowerment that has been practiced by many countries in the world. This research uses library research or commonly called literature review study which is based on the description of theories, insights, and other research materials collected from several resources. The finding of this research is that the conditional cash transfer scheme of the distribution of zakat funds is a solution to the problem of stunting in Indonesia, because the distribution of zakat can be done in more targeted and efficient ways. This scheme can also help reduce the risk of misuse of zakat funds by unauthorized recipients. With a certain conditions that have to be met, it will be easier to monitor and evaluate the use of zakat funds.</em></p>Suci Afrilianti Sapitri
2024-05-062024-05-0662363310.37706/iconz.2023.571The role of ZAKAT in Promoting Economic Growth with A Balance of "Justice"
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In Indonesia, where the majority of the population is Muslim, the potential for zakat is huge. The more zakat is spent, the more the national income of the country increases. The higher the national income of a country, the stronger its economic growth. Economic growth leads a country to prosperity and welfare. The benchmark of Zakat as a welfare regulator can indeed be used as a standard guideline in both microeconomic and macroeconomic contexts. Historical facts show that Zakat can increase a country's national income thereby creating wealth. We should emulate the government system of Umar bin Abdul Azis, especially regarding Zakat and taxation. Moreover, modern theories of Islamic economists, such as the so-called multiplier effect of Zakat, have discovered how the Zakat mechanism can actually increase national income which means increased economic growth. The provision of assistance in the form of consumer assistance alone can provide a significant multiplier effect (zakat multiplier). Moreover, since zakat is given in the form of production support such as working capital and revolving capital, its effectiveness is twice that of zakat in the form of consumer support, and the multiplier effect achieved in the economy is certainly greater. In addition, when we calculate Zakat using the macroeconomic approach to national income, we find that Zakat has a positive impact on rice income. </span></em></p>Rohimah Rohimah
2024-05-062024-05-0663465310.37706/iconz.2023.691Empowering Zakat to Improve the Quality of Education in Indonesia
<p><em>Zakat and education are two elements that are bound together. Zakat is an investment for muzaki because zakat can also be interpreted as purifying or purifying. While education is an investment for future knowledge, zakat is a stimulus for the sustainability of education in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach to library research. Library research is a type of approach that in its level of application is carried out by collecting and using data from various kinds of literature both from books, papers, scientific articles, and so on. In this study, zakat means spending some of the property, given to those entitled to receive it, so that the remaining property becomes clean and the people who get the property become pure in soul and behaviour. There are four types of zakat empowerment, namely: 1) Traditional consumptive, i.e., zakat is distributed to mustahiqq to fulfill the daily needs of the aṣnaf. 2) Creative consumptive, i.e., zakat that is realised in other forms, such as given in the form of school tools, scholarships, hoes, pottery and so on. 3) Traditional productive, where zakat is given in the form of productive goods, such as goats, cows, shaving tools, carpentry tools, sewing machines, and others. Giving in this form can facilitate the work productivity of the poor. 4) Creative productivity, namely zakat is realised in the form of revolving capital, both for social protection capital and to help or increase the capital of small entrepreneurs. The utilisation of zakat funds for the development of education is the right strategy and step. This is because education can provide solutions to poverty in Indonesia. Moreover, soft skills education and other skills can prepare students to directly enter the world of work.</em></p>Mu'allimah Rodhiyana
2024-05-072024-05-07669676Analysis Of Zakat Management Reports Using Baznas Information Management System (SiMBA)
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research was conducted to compile a Zakat Management Report as a National Data Center, with a statement from the Central BAZNAS to continue to maximize the use of the SiMBA Application in the Zakat Management Report. This is expected to increase the trust and interest of Muzakis to channel their zakat through the BAZNAS institution. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method in the form of a centralized interview with an empirical approach. The author conducts data collection techniques with interviews, observations and documentation. Based on the analysis of data that has been collected, the preparation of the Zakat Management Report using the SiMBA application is relevant to the SIM function based on the RI Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning zakat management, and is in accordance with PSAK 109 concerning Zakat and Infak / Alms Accounting. And the SiMBA application in zakat management has reliability by producing reports with the same format at different BAZNAS, but does not yet have access to centralized.</span></em></p>Putri Nurul RahmawatiIndra Marzuki
2024-05-062024-05-0667768410.37706/iconz.2023.692Zakah for Development and Civilisation (Analysis of HAMKA's Thought in Tafsir Al Azhar)
<p><em>This paper explains about Hamka's Thought in Tafsir al-Azhar about the Spirit of Zakat for Development and Islamic Civilisation. The main source of research is Tafsir Al Azhar by Buya Hamka with the focus of Surah al-Taubah verses 60 and 103. The research method uses qualitative research with a content analysis approach. The research findings show Hamka's sharp analysis of the spirit of zakat for life. Zakat for muzakki is a soul cleanser from dirty traits in humans such as greed and hustle. These two traits make humans excessive towards wealth, cheating, lying, hurting others for the sake of wealth, even at the largest level causing war and colonisation. Likewise, the famine that occurred. For this reason, paying zakat is one of the efforts to overcome global problems. People who pay zakat have a generous character, generous, and not greedy. Generous nature can foster soul awareness about human identity as God's creatures so that awareness of brotherhood between others is awakened and eliminate ego traits and grow togetherness of the universe so as to create a civilised and just world. Thus, a civilised world order will be realised.</em></p>Oneng Nurul BariyahSiti RohmahLukmanul HakimMutiara Safwah
2024-05-062024-05-0668569710.37706/iconz.2023.589The Use of Digital Platforms in Zakat Management in South Kalimantan: Maqashid Sharia Perspective
<p>During the Covid-19 pandemic, zakat played an essential role in dealing with risks due to the pandemic. These conditions have led to the development of zakat collection patterns using technology or digital platforms. But, the acquisition of collecting zakat funds through digital platforms in South Kalimantan is experiencing a slowdown. It is still far from the existing potential, so it becomes a problem how the people of South Kalimantan respond to this. This study aims to analyze the management of zakat through digital platforms from the perspective of maqashid sharia. This is empirical research in which the data were obtained through interviews. Respondents who participated included academics, muzaki, and Zakat Management Organizations (BAZNAS and LAZNAS) staff in South Kalimantan. The results of the interviews that have been converted into transcripts are then processed using a qualitative approach with the Coding process with the help of Atlas.ti version 8 software. The results of the analysis using the ATLAS.ti application consists of three things, namely the digitalization of zakat management is one of the elements of Dharuriyyah, namely Hifdz al-Mal. In terms of Hajiyat elements, digitizing zakat management is a solution to support the implementation of something ordered by Islamic law, avoid religious violations and provide convenience in human life and expand access to zakat.</p>Sri MaulidaFahmi Al AmruziBudi Rahmat HakimIrfan Syauqi Beik
2024-05-072024-05-0769870710.37706/iconz.2023.565The Influence of Using Zakat Funds and Business Training on Mustahik Income Levels in DKI Jakarta Province
<p>The DKI Jakarta Province National Zakat Amil Agency (BAZNAS) plays a role in collecting and distributing zakat in its area. Zakat in Islam is an asset that must be spent and given to those who are entitled to receive it. There are 36 Mustahik recipients of BAZNAS Bazis Provincial zakat assistance at the Bazis Culinary Bazaar, Matraman, Central Jakarta. This research aims to determine the effect of utilizing zakat funds and business training on Mustahik income levels. This research is a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative research. The data sources used in this research are primary data through field research and secondary data through library research with data collection techniques through questionnaires as well as interviews and observations.</p>Qorri AlviaAsep Maksum
2024-05-062024-05-0672273410.37706/iconz.2023.568Mosque, Baitul Maal, Community Empowerment; Case Study in Ar-Rahmah Mosque
<p><em>Mosques are a central means of increasing the values of worship and in various fields such as education and muamalah (social, economic). However, unfortunately, the management and empowerment of many mosques is even less professional, less organized and still tends to be traditional. This research was conducted to determine mosque based management, empowerment and synergy with Baitul Maal as financial management. This research was conducted in a descriptive-qualitative manner. Data collection techniques use literature studies, interviews with research objects. The object of the research is Ar-Rahmah Mosque in Teluk Buli, Surabaya. The results show that firstly, the synergy between mosques, Baitul Maal and community empowerment is the key to the success of the entire program; second, there are many job opportunities around the mosque; thirdly, there are many programs that can support the surrounding community, such as health, poor relief, education, social and economic aspects.</em></p>Dimas M. GhozaliNoven Lukito Hadi SaputroTry Ma'arifan Najib
2024-05-062024-05-0673574210.37706/iconz.2023.612The Role of Zakat in Advancing Environmental Initiatives and Empowering Communities through a Green Economy-Based Approach
<p><em>In a world confronted by pressing environmental challenges and growing socioeconomic disparities, the intersection of Islamic philanthropy, particularly Zakat, with environmental conservation and community empowerment has gained prominence. This article explores the transformative potential of Zakat, an obligatory almsgiving in Islam, as a catalyst for advancing environmental initiatives and fostering community empowerment within a green economy-based framework. This study illuminates Zakat's role in addressing environmental concerns while simultaneously empowering marginalized communities. Islamic teachings underscore the moral and ethical responsibility of Muslims to act as stewards of the Earth. Zakat, as a financial and moral obligation, provides a unique avenue to channel resources toward green projects, sustainable livelihoods, and environmental education. It fosters the transition to a green economy by supporting initiatives that promote sustainability, renewable energy adoption, and ecological conservation. Furthermore, Zakat can be leveraged to foster green economy-based community development. By directing Zakat funds towards projects and businesses that prioritize sustainability, job creation, and environmentally friendly practices, communities can simultaneously improve their economic prospects while reducing their ecological footprint. This approach not only enhances economic resilience but also aligns with the global transition toward a greener and more sustainable future. The research highlights the importance of collaboration between religious institutions, policymakers, and civil society to harness the full potential of Zakat in advancing environmental sustainability and community development. In conclusion, this article underscores the transformative potential of Zakat in advancing environmental initiatives and empowering communities within a green economy-based framework. By leveraging Zakat's financial stability, promoting sustainable livelihoods, enhancing environmental education, and upholding accountability, communities can actively participate in environmental conservation while improving their socio-economic well-being. Moreover, the interfaith collaboration amplifies Zakat's impact, contributing to the collective pursuit of a greener, more equitable, and sustainable world.</em></p>Salman Al FarisiYahya Ibadurrahman
2024-05-062024-05-0674375910.37706/iconz.2023.611Analysis Of Community Welfare Level at Kampung Berkah Program Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Sragen with Perspective Zakat Village Index
<p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Sragen Regency as a zakat management institution that builds the economy of the people, to deal with poverty plays a very important role in encouraging people's welfare. This research is focused on the Blessing Village Program of the National Amil Zakat Agency of Sragen Regency. This study aims to analyze the level of community welfare in the BAZNAS Sragen Blessing Village Program with the Zakat Village Index (IDZ). This research is quantitative descriptive using the Zakat Village Index method which includes five dimensions, namely the Economic Dimension, Health Dimension, Education Dimension, Social and Human Dimension, and Da'wah Dimension, which is guided by the Strategic Studies Center (PUSKAS) BAZNAS. Zakat Community Developmentin the Prosperous Sragen Program or in local wisdom at BAZNAS Sragen as Kampung Berkah is an empowerment program for BAZNAS Sragen through the intermediary of the Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ) with the formation of the Berkah Village business group. The results of this study describe the measurement of the Zakat Village Index which refers to five dimensions. Basically each dimension has variables and indicators to be used as calculation parameters. The IDZ value is obtained by multiplying the index on each dimension by the contribution of each weight. Based on the measurement results of the Zakat Village Index, a value of 0.34 is obtained. This shows that the condition of the village of Kampung Berkah is not in a good condition, so it needs to be prioritized to receive zakat funds from the Sragen Sejahtera Program. Whereas,the index value can be said to be good if it has a value ranging from 0.81 to 1.00 so it is not prioritized for assistance.</span></em></p>Nurzidta Okta RinandaRakhmawati .Meisyaroh Catur WulandariBhimo Rizky SamudroMulyanto .
2024-05-072024-05-0776077210.37706/iconz.2023.694The Role of Zakat in Achieving SDGs: A Literature Review
<p>This research is motivated by the importance of achieving SDGs Sustainable development Goals. this research aims to find out the role of zakat in realizing SDGs Sustainable development in indonesia. the research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. this research uses library research. by analyzing research articles that are relevant, renewable, and have credibility. data collection techniques in this research use documentation studies. the data collected is then analyzed qualitatively. In this case, several SDGs points can indeed be a means of objectives in the distribution of zakat programs including SDGs No. 1 No hunger, No. 3 Healthy and prosperous life, No. 8 Decent work and economic growth, No. 10 Reduced inequality, No. 6 Clean water and synthesis and No. 17 Partnerships in achieving goals. There is a need for a more in-depth study of this topic with more emphasis on the national SDGs Goals and how Zakat plays a role in them.</p>Akhmad DairobyMuhammad Faza Akbar